
Say hello to our shiny new Senior Art Director, Dan Scott, who joins us from Edinburgh. He brings with him 11 years’ experience with a raft of high-profile clients, including Tennent’s Lager, IRN-BRU, Cancer Prevention and The Scottish Government.

In an attempt to get into his ‘filthy rat’s nest’ of a mind, we asked him a bunch of questions. What we learned was insightful, inspiring and a little bit horrifying.  

Can you tell us about a campaign that inspired you?

Guinness Surfer. An oldie I know, but everything about it is mad juicy. I hope one day to make something that is allowed to breathe the same air as this beast.

What artist’s work do you love?

Love’s a bit rich, and I’m not really sure you could call a lot of what he does actual work, but I find a lot of the stuff Martin Creed does entertaining and ridiculous. I also like the way he seems to not really understand what he’s doing most of the time, and comes across like a man pretending to be an artist and just getting away with it.

Do you have a technique or process to help you come up with creative ideas?

A known one, but walking about aimlessly helps me think. I’m not sure if it’s the change of environment, the physical activity, or the fresh air that does the trick, but most of the time it helps my head feel a bit less like a filthy rat’s nest.

Tell us something surprising about you.

I’ve only just made the conscious effort to stop biting my toenails.