We're *Officially* Effective
By Neil Caffery, Planning Director

Last week, DC became one of 30 agencies to be officially awarded the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation for 2023-25 – and we couldn’t be more chuffed about it. It’s an impressive programme which seeks to drive effectiveness culture within advertising agencies and deliver impactful results for clients.
Being one of the handful of agencies in the North to achieve this accreditation, it’s a pretty big deal. Our submission had to successfully demonstrate our dedication to effectiveness to a panel of leading brand owners, academics and effectiveness specialists.
How did we do it? Through a huge team effort – the work and submission by our very own Eff Club, over half of Drummond Central gaining their effectiveness qualification, and consistently embedding effectiveness culture at the core of our business.
Building an effectiveness culture is an ongoing commitment and being recognised as an effective agency is a major accomplishment, one which we’re keen to deliver on. We’ve been spreading awareness, fine-tuning processes, evaluating our work’s impact, and implementing all of this on a day-to-day basis.
Cheers to everyone who worked hard to make this happen, and to our amazing clients joining us on this mission of effectiveness.