For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
By Julie Drummond, Chair

We’re chuffed, and not a bit surprised, to see our very own Dan Appleby’s name on the IPA’s 2020 Summer Honours list.
In the last three years, he’s not only taken the reins as Managing Director of Drummond Central, he also became IPA City Head for the North East. Needless to say, he’s been busy.
As City Head, Dan made it his mission to bring all of our region’s IPA agencies within our region closer together. He did it by spearheading a programme of IPA activities, events and courses designed to make the IPA more relevant and valuable to all of its members, not just agency leaders. Working with the IPA team, he arranged and delivered annual evenings that resulted in record attendance (and possibly more than a few sore heads the next day).
Dan has worked tirelessly to promote the value of the IPA and CPD to both local member and non-member agencies during his time as City Head, with the aim of widening the regional IPA network and pool of talent across the North East.
In recognition of his unwavering dedication as City Head, and now his commitment as a member of the IPA Council, the IPA has awarded Dan a lifetime fellowship in their summer honours list, meaning he is now a Fellow of the IPA.
‘Not all great creative is born from London agencies’ is a firm belief of Dan’s, which has been a driving force for him across all of his roles as MD, IPA City Head and now as IPA Council Member. In his role as Managing Director of Drummond Central, he lives and breathes this belief on a daily basis, challenging our teams to deliver creative excellence for all of our clients.
Well done Dan, from everyone at Drummond Central. We couldn’t be prouder of you.